Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Make-Up Every Mom Should Know- Better Lighting

Hello again, 

So as stated in my "The Make-Up Every Mom Should Know" tutorial, I had horrible, all over the place lighting with a thousand interruptions and not a very good backdrop. I have now moved my work space so that I have a nice area to take pictures, not only of me but of the products as well. 

I just want to remind you that I have oily combination skin that I do need to mattify every couple of hours. This is not a simple mattified look without touching up or anything like that. This is just a fresh faced simple look that mothers, high school students and teaches alike will appreciate and be able to accomplish in minimal time. 

So, with the attention of HelperBaby and the soft scents of my lovely new candles I will re-do the make-up tutorial and hopefully this will show you how I make my skin more flawless and give you a more peaceful viewing experience. That sounded really weird. 

Anyway, onto the tutorial. 

I start out with a clean face. 

Next, I buff on a mineral foundation (I used Smashbox's Halo to Go in Fair, simply because that's the only one I have) using a kabuki brush. Make sure to blend it down onto your neck and up to the hairline. 

 Sorry I look so tired, experimenting with my lighting and my angles and such. I will smile more next time. 

Next I took a bronzer (pictured here: Physician's formula Healthy Glow bronzer) just to give a tiny bit of warmth to my cheeks. I would normally use a light blush, but I don't have any non-shimmery powder blushes right now, so this will have to do.


 Do whatever you think is going to look natural. If it's summer, stick with a bronzer all over your hairline, temples and down onto your cheeks. Keep it light. This is the best way to look polished without having a lot on your skin. It helps your face to feel fresh, without feeling heavy. I know for me, the sun, and summertime in general do wonders for my skin, so this is the look I do for if I want a pretty, finished look. 

Also, I apologize for my pajamas and hair. It was a long day. 

So next, I do my brows. I take this Maybelline Made for Mocha eye shadow and fill them in with an angled brush. (A brow tutorial will come when I get my brow kit.) 


Yay, brows done. Next, I conceal with my highlighting concealer. (mine is from Maybelline Dream Concealer in the lightest shade you can possibly find.) I simply dab the tiniest amount of concealer onto my finger and gently blend it on all of my blemishes to give a little more flawless look. If you have dark under eye circles then you can conceal those too, but mine aren't horrible, so I'm going to leave them alone. 

After that, I run a lid primer/concealer over my lids. I have a lot of bluish colouring on my lids because my skin is so fair and thin there. If your lids are goo, then skip this step, but I feel that I need it. 


Now that my lids are primed, I lightly press the same shade that I used for my eyebrows into my upper lash-line. I used a firm shadow brush from SOHO. This gives your upper lash line a little more fullness without weighing your eye make-up down or making the look too artificial. 


Now that my upper lash-line looks full, I put on a fine layer of brown mascara (mine is Covergirl's LastBlast in brown) just to give my eyes a more awake look. To add to this, you can swipe a nude (flesh toned) pencil across your lower waterline. My pencil was devoured by a little, white, fluffy beast who lives in my house. I won't mention any names. 


Lastly, swipe on a chap stick, tinted balm, or subtle gloss to give your lips nourishment and colour. 

I hope you enjoyed this much neater tutorial. Again, excuse the pjs, this will be my last make-up tutorial with dirty hair and pjs, I promise. I hope you all have a great night, and stay tuned for my Seafood Curry recipe (it's so simple!) and my LUSH cosmetics review. 

Have a great night. 

Warm wishes. 

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