Sunday, March 9, 2014

Abs 30 Day Challenge Day 7 (March 7, 2014)

Hey guys, 

I wanted to take a few minutes to share how I actually broke the routine up today, because the routine has gotten significantly more difficult. I will time myself tomorrow, because I don't know how long it takes now, but I will let you know in my next Challenge Mode entry. (Well, not tomorrow, that's a rest day) 

Today I had to do:

Day 7: 
40 sit ups
20 crucnhes
20 leg raises
30 second plank

And it was a lot of hard work, but I feel (dare I say it?) stronger. My lower abdomen still is so sore, but I feel as though I am actually getting better at these exercises. And planks are starting to get more difficult. I'm still hanging in there, and I have been practicing breathing through my work outs, so I think that has helped me, but I can tell we are getting serious now. 

To make this exercise session more manageable for me, I split the sit ups ups. And then split everything except the plank up. 

My session looked like this:

5 sit ups 
10 sec break
5 sit ups
10 sec break

10 crunches
10 sec break 10 crunches

5 sit ups 
10 sec break
5 sit ups
10 sec break

10 leg raises
10 sec break
10 leg raises

5 sit ups 
10 sec break
5 sit ups
10 sec break

30 second plank
30 sec break

5 sit ups 
10 sec break
5 sit ups
10 sec break

This is just how I did it to make it more manageable. I find measuring my small successes within the workout helps me go through it much easier and faster. 

I am going to start taking my heart rate before, during and after these sessions, and timing them, so you can see how my body is reacting. I will also be weighing myself on Monday ( day 10), so you can see where you in regards to me, to see how you might react to the routine. 

I hope this helped, and I hope to see you guys again soon. 

Warm wishes. 

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