Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Abs 30 Day Challenge Day 11 (March 11, 2014)

 Hey guys, 

This was a harder day for me, but I still got through it, again by breaking this down. 

I am so tired, so I will just let you know how I broke this down to make it easier for me. 

Day 11:
55 situps
50 crunches
30 leg raises
38 sec plank

What I did:

15 sit ups 
10 sec break

20 crunches
10 leg raises
10 sec break

15 sit ups
10 sec break

25 crunches
15 leg raises
10 sec break

5 sit ups
10 sec break

42 sec plank

So this is what I did, and I hope you are having success if you are doing this with me. 

Have a great day! 

Warm wishes. 

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