Friday, February 7, 2014

My Linen Closet

Hey all, 

I wanted to give you a little peak of how I want to run this page. I want to show you how I organize my house little by little. Sometimes I have to buy new organizers, sometimes I re-purpose old organizers and boxes. it all depends on what I need. Though, I guess the biggest the thing to take away from these posts is that I don't spend a lot of money on organizers because I don't have it to spend. I slowly get the organizers that I do buy. Also, you don't need to completely remodel your kitchen or buy thousands of dollars worth of closet and cabinet organizers to be organized and have all of your products at your fingertips. 

So, I hope you enjoy this little little organizational blog. 

This is my upstairs closet, it was a mess before, but I forgot to take pictures of before, so you just get the lovely after. 

This is a multi-purpose closet for us. It holds our travel toiletries, our cleaning supplies, our bulk toiletries, our spare electronics, our vacuum, our extra towels and linens. 

To start at the top shelf, and work our way down....

Our top shelf has our box of toiletries, this was a hat box that I bought a long time ago for about $20.00 from Target. I have used it for a thousand different things and now it holds Ziploc bags of toiletries and my toiletries travel bags. Next, is the doggy travel bag that we have for Khaleesi. We have some dog travel bowls and poop bags in there right now, just to keep them out of the way and organized. Next we have an extra sheet, the other ones are in the laundry right now, and a small pile of bibs for the baby. 

The next shelf is the most used things in our family, so we put it at eye level, making sure that we can see and find everything quickly and efficiently, but also ensuring that the little grabby one doesn't get any ideas. 

As you can see, we have our stash of bulk toilet paper, and then to the right, we have an old utensil organizer that hold our air fresheners, our unique soaps, our light bulbs, our extra scrubby sponges, and extra travel tissue packs. Here is a closer look at that organizer:

To the right of that I used an old paper/magazine organizer to hold my husband's extra toiletries. I have his bodywash, and extra bottle of shampoo and an extra tube of deoderant.  Here is a closer look at that organizer. 

To the right of that is a huge row of lotions. I try a thousand different types of lotions, and there are all ones that aren't my favorite, but they're okay, so I will use them up to ensure I'm not wasting money. Then I have an old tote that has miscellaneous lotions, toners, oils and facial cleansers in it. Again, these are ones that aren't my favorite, but I keep them on hand in case a friend needs to wash their face or for when I run out of my good ones and I need to order more. Basically I will use them again sometime, but they aren't my favorite, but again, not wanting to waste money. Next, I have a huge pile of tissue boxes. And my bulk mouthwash. I have a little bottle in my bathroom, so we keep the big ones out here. 

On the next shelf down, I have several large totes, again, they are all mixed because I have collected them throughout the years. This first one has house cleaning supplies, stuff like Goo Gone or Goof Off, carpet powder, that orange cleaner for hands, and stove-top cleaner. 

Next is a box full of shampoos, conditioners, razor replacements, excess hair products, and my feminine pads, sorry if that is weird, but this is what is in my closet. 

Next is a tote full of sunscreen, Proactive, shaving cream and bug spray. Note: All of the green totes that you see here, I bought at Dollarama. Yes, 1.50 for a green tote that you can use anywhere. Great, I know. 

Next, I have this huge container of batteries. We have a little one, obviously, and so many of her toys are battery operated, not to mention my toothbrush, my face scrubber, Ty's flashlights, our remotes, and so many other devices in our home that are battery powered that it was just reasonable for us to have a ton of batteries on hand. This is actually an old milk jug, we had to buy a new one because every time we washed this one in the dishwasher it would deform more than it had before. This is the old milk jug without the lid on . Then next row is just my extra cleaning supplies. 

The next shelf down is a huge box full of dog equipment. Khaleesi went into heat last month, so in order to save us from having to buy another diaper for her so she could have a fresh diaper everyday, we bought some maxi pads and cut them in half and put them in her diaper, which is why the maxi pads are in there. This could be considered a RLH. If you want it to. But, this also holds the grooming supplies and diapers and poop bags. 
The next box is an extra electronics box. While my husband is home we share a computer, but when he leaves, he takes this white laptop with him. The rest is extra usb cables and internet cables and chargers and old cell phones that we have yet to sell or recycle. This just helps us keep all of our odds n ends electronics in one spot. 

Next is just my extra towels and my trusty Dyson vacuum cleaner. Note: If you want me to start doing reviews on household products I can start doing that. I love trying out new household cleaners and seeing if they work or not, so just let me know and I can try and help you out. 

The only two things that I don't have pictured are my plunger and my toilet brush. My hubby and I give the toilets a good scrub every Sunday to keep everything from getting too gross. We have found the best way to keep our space clean is to do little micro cleans between big ones. It turns a whole day of cleaning into two to three hours. 

That's it. This is my linen closet that was organized with odds n ends of totes and old boxes. it isn't the prettiest, but it works for our family. Maybe we will have the money to get more totes late on, but until then, we will be using this system because it works for us. Check back next Friday for more reduce, Reuse, Reorganize. 

Warm wishes. 

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